(d) Within 10 miles of certain designated airports, excluding that airspace which is both outside the Class D surface arend below 1,200 feet AGL. Balloons, gliders and aircraft not equipped with an engine driven electrical system are excepted from this requirement. 3. 14 CFR Section 99.13 requires all aircraft flying into, within, or across the contiguous U.S. ADIZ be equipped with a Mode C or Mode S transponder. Balloons, gliders and aircraft not equipped with an engine driven electrical system are excepted from this requirement. 4. Pilots must ensure that their aircraft transponder is operating on an appropriate ATC assigned VFR/IFR code and Mode C when operating in such airspace. If in doubt about the operational status of either feature of your transponder while airborne, contact the nearest ATC facility or FSS and they will advise you what facility you should contact for determining the status of your equipment. 5. In-flight requests for "immediate" deviation from the transponder requirement may be approved by controllers only when the flight will continue IFR or when weather conditions prevent VFR descent and continued VFR flight in airspace not affected by the CFRs. All other requests for deviation should be made by contacting the nearest Flight Service or Air Traffic facility in person or by telephone. The nearest ARTCC will normally be the controlling agency and is responsible for coordinating requests involving deviations in other ARTCC areas. g. Transponder Operation Under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) 1. Unless otherwise instructed by an ATC facility, adjust transponder to reply on Mode 3/A Code 1200 regardless of altitude. NOTE- 1. Aircraft not in contact with an ATC facility may squawk 1255 in lieu of 1200 while en route to, from, or within the designated fire fighting area(s). 2. VFR aircraft which fly authorized SAR missions for the USAF or USCG may be advised to squawk 1277 in lieu of 1200 while en route to, from, or within the designated search area. 3. Gliders not in contact with an ATC facility should squawk 1202 in lieu of 1200. REFERENCE- FAA Order JO 7110.66, National Beacon Code Allocation Plan. Services Available to Pilots 2. Adjust transponder to reply on Mode C, with altitude reporting capability activated if the aircraft is so equipped, unless deactivation is directed by ATC or unless the installed equipment has not been tested and calibrated as required by 14 CFR Section 91.217. If deactivation is required and your transponder is so designed, turn off the altitude reporting switch and continue to transmit Mode C framing pulses. If this capability does not exist, turn off Mode C. h. Radar Beacon Phraseology Air traffic controllers, both civil and military, will use the following phraseology when referring to operation of the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS). Instructions by ATC refer only to Mode A/3 or Mode C operation and do not affect the operation of the transponder on other Modes. 1. SQUAWK (number). Operate radar beacon transponder on designated code in Mode A/3. 2. IDENT. Engage the "IDENT" feature (military I/P) of the transponder. 3. SQUAWK (number) and IDENT. Operate transponder on specified code in Mode A/3 and engage the "IDENT" (military I/P) feature. 4. SQUAWK STANDBY. Switch transponder to standby position. 5. SQUAWK LOW/NORMAL. Operate transponder on low or normal sensitivity as specified. Transponder is operated in "NORMAL" position unless ATC specifies "LOW" ("ON" is used instead of "NORMAL" as a master control label on some types of transponders.) 6. SQUAWK ALTITUDE. Activate Mode C with automatic altitude reporting. 7. STOP ALTITUDE SQUAWK. Turn off altitude reporting switch and continue transmitting Mode C framing pulses. If your equipment does not have this capability, turn off Mode C. 8. STOP SQUAWK (mode in use). Switch off specified mode. (Used for military aircraft when the controller is unaware of military service requirements for the aircraft to continue operation on another Mode.) 9. STOP SQUAWK. Switch off transponder. 10. SQUAWK MAYDAY. Operate transponder in the emergency position (Mode A Code 7700 for civil transponder. Mode 3 Code 7700 and emergency feature for military transponder.) 4-1-17