FAR AIM .org

A website of information for General Aviation pilots.

Let's try one more time...
"One more time..."

Flight over Seattle
Departing 32R KBFI, Seattle


The Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) are rules prescribed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) governing all aviation activities in the United States. The FARs are part of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

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The Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) is the FAA's official guide to basic flight information and Air traffic control (ATC) procedures.

The AIM contains the basic aeronautical knowledge information required to fly in the United States National Airspace System.

It also contains items of interest to pilots concerning health and medical facts, factors affecting flight safety, a pilot/controller glossary of terms used in the ATC System, and information on safety, accident, and hazard reporting.